Empty Nest: Scary or Celebration?

I have been seeing many of my friends and clients posting in their social media feeds about becoming "empty nesters". Their kids are off to college and now after 18 plus years they find themselves and their spouses trying to redefine their relationships. After years of being "Mom and Dad" and "Susie's/Johnnie's Parents" they now have to rediscover themselves as a couple. This can be scary new territory.
I admire the younger generation of parents who "date their spouses". They take time to carve out special time for one another at least once a week and they are not afraid to call on friends or family to watch the kids while they slip away for a week or weekend to travel together.
Travel is a great way to spend time together and reconnect! I will soon be an "empty nester" in the Fall. My husband and I are taking a page from the younger parents out there, we are preparing to sail off into the sunset for a few days on an Adults Only cruise to the Caribbean! That's right, NO KIDS! Who even knew that was possible? Imagine a buffet line with no little grubby hands reaching for cookies. The opportunity to actually sit in the hot tub without little Johnnie diving and jumping right next to you. Dressing up to go out to dinner (or not) and NOT having a gaggle of wet teens crowd into the elevator with you. Or just enjoying the simple pleasure of relaxing with your love on the deck, watching the stars and enjoying an adult beverage. If any of you are looking to get away for some quality time with your significant other and to be KID FREE, give me a call! We are working on a travel opportunity for 2023 and would LOVE to have you join us!
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